Photograph © Jessie Casson

About us

Our story is underpinned by personal experience and an unwaivering passion to make a difference to the lives of older people, people living with dementia and those that support them.

This planted the seed for Founder Chantal Kinsella. People want to continue to live at home for as long as possible, so how can we enable them to achieve this?

This is the cornerstone and the driving force on which Bronte House is founded.

Bronte House is on a mission to transform the landscape of care. Our aim is to make a positive impact and to enrich lives every day.

We’re passionate about supporting and enabling older people and people living with dementia to continue to live purposeful and enriched lives at home. We specialise in dementia care, pioneering innovative approaches and best practice.

Chantal has explored the landscape of dementia care - researching and talking to people; volunteering and working as a carer locally and overseas, to gain frontline experience.

Most importantly, listening to people with lived experience of dementia about what they want, need and expect from care through the co-production of Bronte House.

For more details on our services and approach, visit the pages below.

Chantal Kinsella, Founder

From a corporate career to care, Chantal has a long-standing passion and an uncompromising focus on delivering exceptional care and specialist dementia care. She’s seen care from different angles - as a family member, a friend, a volunteer and a carer.

As a natural people person, Chantal’s empathetic nature puts people at the heart of everything we do at Bronte House. Alongside input from our community, this has shaped our strong vision and values. Chantal is driven to enable people to continue to live fulfilling, purposeful and independent lives within their own homes, and for her team to feel valued, recognised and supported.

With a dynamic and innovative approach to care, Chantal strives to proactively enrich lives every day, ensuring people continue to live the life they want, the way they want to live, doing the things they love and enjoy.

Chantal plays an active role in her local community - volunteering with Pets as Therapy and developing The Blue Book, which is a family project, a voluntary initiative, providing a summary of activities and support available to older people and people living with dementia. More details here.

Chantal enjoys spending time with her family and friends, playing tennis, running, gardening, listening to music and podcasts, reading and walking Bronte in the Yorkshire countryside!

Why are you called Bronte House?

A question we’re often asked and one we’re proud to answer

It took time to determine a name which reflected what we do. There are three reasons why we chose on Bronte House.

  • Bronte is a key part of our team and our holistic approach to care, bringing joy to people every day!

    She’s a certified Pets as Therapy Dog and a friend to many.

  • Chantal lived in Bronte, Sydney for a number of years and was so inspired to see older people in the community living life to the full and having fun! This has influenced the ethos of Bronte House.

  • Our support is discreet to promote dignity and privacy; that’s why we don’t include ‘care’ in our branding. We’re there in the background, ensuring you can keep doing the things you love and enjoy.

Meet Bronte!